Every dryness of man is a product of disconnection from God
Every step away from His presence is multiple steps into the region of retrogression and disfavour
Every man’s condition is a product of their connection .
The field of favor is magnetic

Avoiding disconnection
Ps 91:1 Make the secret place your permanent place of abode
Grace is also heavy favour.
The fragrance of God from the secret place is called favour.

Be planted in the house of the Lord. Favour is a commodity only available in the community of Zion.
If you’re not distant from Zion, you’re not deficit of favour.

Keep Godly company. It determines what accompanies you. In the school of favour relationship is a capital investment. PS1:1
Learn walking with God and men. Relationship mismanagement can lead to abortion of favour. Be intentional about relationships. One recommendation is enough to change your life.

The currency for managing relationships is called wisdom. Your sycamore tree is by the corner, climb it for visibility. Everyone needs a sycamore tree

Walk in the light of the word always. Your reaction must not be guided by your emotion but by your revelation.

The root cause of disfavour is called disobedience.
Outright disobedience to outright command
Disobedience to the leading of the Spirit.
Deut28:1 The greatest secret of abundance is obedience. Nothing can stop your abundance if it cannot stop your obedience

Favour is murdered on the altar of murmuring. Every time you murmur you damage favour. 1Cor10:10
Every time you complain, conditions become complicated. Favour is a scarce commodity in the camp of ingrates.

Unfaithfulness is an enemy of favour
Proverbs 28:20
You don’t grow big to manage well. You manage well to grow big. Those unfaithful with little cannot be trusted with abundance.

Unrighteousness sponsors disfavour Ps45:7, 5:12, Proverbs 14:9
The perfume of favour

Rudeness – Divine favour permanently avoids the proud. Before honor is humility. Queen Vashti lost it through pride while Esther took it through humility. Let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus…
Satan resists everybody but God only resists the proud. Proverbs 18:12. There’s no gift of humility. There’s only a choice of it.

Favour is a scarce commodity in the camp of the stingy. A liberal soul shall be made fat.
Honour is the currency of favour.